Tag: writing

My Patreon – The Archivist!

How’s it going, everyone? Just a little update for you all.  For those of you who don’t know, while my big passion is voice acting, my other passion is writing.  I’m currently working on a full length fantasy novel called The Archivist and the Night Maiden and I’ve made a lot of progress with it. …

The Archivist and the Night Maiden: Chapter 2 Finished

So so sorry for the wait.  But finally, after literally months of distractions and some bad days here and there, I finally got around to writing all of chapter 2 of The Archivist and the Night Maiden.  It’s been a long time coming and I feel horrible for procrastinating…..so much over the past few months….

Live Radio Interview!

GUYS GUYS GUYS GUYS!!!! I’ve got some amazing news for you all.  I’m going to be interviewed live on radio!!  I’ll be interviewed on Midday with K and we’ll be talking about things such as voice acting, cosplay, The Archivist (the fantasy book i’m writing for those who don’t know,) and more! The interview will…

The Archivist and the Night Maiden: Chapter 1

Hey yall!! Now, this isn’t going to be a standard post, since it’s more gonna be about writing and not voice over.  For those of you who don’t know, over the past many months, I’ve been working on writing my own fantasy novel called The Archvist, the first possible book called The Archivist and the…

New Project – The Archivist Journeys

Hey everyone! So this isn’t going to be a normal post, as in I won’t be talking about voiceover here, even though that’s what this site is all about.  This is instead about something that I’ve been working on for some time now.  Some people know about it already. I am currently working on writing…