Tag: voice over

Shameless Self Promotion…and some Updates

Hey guys!  How’s it going over there. Anyway, just thought I’d give you all a bit of an update to how things are going over here.  Well, I will confess, things have been really rocky over on my end.  Plans fell through, got hurt in a bad way, and just trying to promote myself out…

Anime Central 2014 Report

How’s it hangin everyone?

Well, I’m back from Anime Central.  I waited til today to post my report because I wanted to spend the rest of yesterday recovering from the con.  All in all, I would say that I had an okay time.  I will confess, there are some issues going on, but i’ll spare you from the drama.

Anyway, both the voice over and improv panel on Friday went well.  We got a full house for both of them, even to the point where the con ops had to keep more people from coming in.  I felt sad that they couldn’t attend.  Oh well.

As for the other two days, I spent them just sorta walking around, hanging with people, trying to keep my mind occupied.  Some tense moments, some good moments.  Sunday was actually the best day because I got to hang with my friend Caitlin.  She can be really motivating and she got me pumped on the idea of not only getting back into working out, but also starting a group cosplay for next year.  We’re all so pumped that we’ve already started production, so stayed tuned for that.

All in all, I would say that compared to other Acen’s, this was sadly the worst one.  Not because of the con itself, but just stuff that happened around the same time.  Still I left feeling satisfied and I hope that next year is better.  As for my next con, i’ll be shooting for Anime Midwest!

Hope everyone else had fun.  Now here are all the cosplay pics I took!

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Anime Central 2014 Panels!

What’s up everyone!   We are now exactly one week away from Anime Central, the best convention I’ve ever gone to.  Man, it feels great to go to this again, it’s been so long and I really hope to have a good time there.  I’m in sore need of it. Anyway, I just thought I’d…

Facebook Level 2!

Afternoon everyone! Hope everyone is having a good time.  Not much happening over on my end.  I just wanted to share that my voice  acting page on Facebook is now officially 2 years old! Oh man, so much has happened since then.  I honestly never thought I would get this far.  There have been more…