Tag: video games

Exciting Things!

What\’s up, y\’all? Got a couple updates for ya.  First off, just yesterday, I voiced in my very first game.  It\’s that JRPG style game I talked about before in an earlier post, Esper Wing Chronicle 2.  I only had a few lines, they were only battle quotes  but it was still very exciting to record…

Conspirocracy! AKA My First Video Game Role!

What\’s up, peeps? :) I got some amazing news for all of you.  I just landed my very first video game role!  You have no idea just how giddy I am!  This is the first time I\’ve ever voiced in an game and I can\’t wait to see how this looks when it gets finished….

Journey the Game

I just want to take a moment to gush here. I’ve played many video games in my time.  I’ve saved Princess Zelda, defeated Dark Samus, destroyed the Patriots AI system, and so many other great feats….but none of them. None. Of. Them Can even come close to traveling to a mountain.  That may seem weird…