Category: Blog

Some More Updates

How’s it going everyone? Man, it’s been a while since I updated my site here.  I’m really REALLY sorry for being silent for a while.  Things have been taking up my time over on my end.  trying to find a new home, finding a new job, some stuff with my doctor, a whole lot of…

To The People Emailing Me About My Site

I’m referring to the people who keep emailing me about wanting to work on my site.  About wanting to “improve” it and other things.                 I love how my site looks and how it works.  It’s literally everything I want it to be and everything is exactly where…

The Fire Nation Attacked

Hey everyone!  Hope you all are having some good days. I regretfully have some sad news for you all.  I’ve been slightly out of contact lately because there was a fire two days ago at my apartment.  At around 4:30 in the morning, we were all evacuated by the police.  The house right next to…

Live Radio Interview!

GUYS GUYS GUYS GUYS!!!! I’ve got some amazing news for you all.  I’m going to be interviewed live on radio!!  I’ll be interviewed on Midday with K and we’ll be talking about things such as voice acting, cosplay, The Archivist (the fantasy book i’m writing for those who don’t know,) and more! The interview will…

Best, Worst, Fun, Boring

What’s up, y’all? So, a while back, I was asked on Tumblr what I considered to be the best, worst, most fun, and most boring things about voice acting.  I already answered over there, but I wanted to post my answer on my official site right here for everyone else to see, so here you…

Obligatory Birthday Post!

Hey everyone!

So today is my birthday and I’m officially level 26 in the lifespan game!  The feeling hasn’t kicked in at all and I doubt it ever will.  Don’t really have many plans for today other than hang out with friends and possibly buy a PS4.  I’ve had my eye on one for a long time.

Not much else to say other than I really hope today goes well.  I also want to thank those who took the time to watch my latest little video, For Those Who Are Sad.  I made that for everyone going through times of depression just like me and I really do hope you all find smiles today and beyond.

Hope you all have a good day, here’s a picture of my birthday “cake!”


For Those Who Are Sad

This video is dedicated to all those who are going through tough times, be it depression, stress, anxiety, whatever.

You should all know that each day is a new day and that every little thing you do each day is a battle won.

I’m going through depression myself, so I know what it’s like to feel like things aren’t worth it.  I’m here to tell you that they are.

I hope you enjoy.

Whoops! (also concerning Gotham High Videos)

Well, this is awkward.  It looks like my site was having issues again.  Apparently, my posts that had a youtube video embedded into them would lead to an internal server error.  Honestly don’t know why or how, but I deeply apologize for any and all trouble you might have had.  I think I have resolved…

The Three Little Raptors

Hey guys!! So I got awesome news.  The children’s animation I voiced for is finally up,  The Three Little Raptors and the Big Bad Rex.  I’m so happy that this is finally released and I just love the finished product.  I voice two of the raptors, Whiny and Spiny, while my VA BFF, Sheila M. Gagne, voices the third raptor, Tiny.

I’m also extremely happy that I’ve a part of this because it’s been a long time since I’ve been involved in an animation project.  All of the others that i’ve voiced in are still in development, so it’s nice to see something completed! I hope you enjoy this video!  Have a golden day!

2 Paid Projects!!

Hey guys!! So happy things today!  A while back, I actually got cast in 2 paid projects!!  Both within just a couple days of each other!  I’m so psyched that things are picking up right now!! Okay, so the first project is called Side Quest.  It’s a CGI fantasy web series about this sub-par group…